Health 2.0 Europe, known for its live demos, will assemble speakers from 12 European countries and the U.S., in order to explain the world of Web 2.0 (both computer and mobile) in health care with its patient and professional communities, online consultation, rating sites, personal health records, specialized search engines, prevention programs. The Health 2.0 Europe Conference's panels and topics will include: Search & content - How does the best of vertical search technology resonate in a world where government programs provide significant amounts of health content? Demonstrations & case studies from:
Segolène Ayme, Orphanet
Frankie Dolan, MedWorm
Célia Boyer, Health On the Net Foundation
West Shell, Healthline Networks
Steven Krein, Organized Wisdom
Berci Mesko, Webicina
Roberto Ascione,
Gilles Frydman, ACOR
Ben Heywood, PatientsLikeMe
Neil Bacon, iWantGreatCare
Alexander Schachinger, Humboldt University Berlin
Susannah Fox, Pew Internet
Daniel Palestrant, Sermo america
Miguel Cabrer, Medting Spain
Isabelle Adenot, French National Order of Pharmacists
Roy Schoenberg, American Well
David Doherty, 3G Doctor
Roni Zeiger, Google
Sabine Pinedo, stichting Begeleide Zelfzorg (sBZ)
Neil Williams, Microsoft
Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, Patients Know Best
Etienne Caniard, French National Authority for Health France
Dutch Government Representative, Raad voor de Volksgezondheid en Zorg NL
Paul Hodgkin, PatientOpinion UK
Don Kemper, Healthwise US
Jean-Pascal Del Bano, Le Guide Santé France
Len Starnes, Bayer Health
Sylvie St-Laurent, Pfizer
Daniel Ghinn, Creation Interactive
Sophie Kune, ParleAvecElles
René Hansen, UCB